Friday, May 20, 2011

Mother's Day trip to Vegas

Living in Hawaii is GREAT BUT you have to spend lots of money on jet fuel if you want to visit family on the mainland.  I CANNOT miss Mother's Day!!  Plus it was Alex's 1st birthday so perfect time for a short visit.  I had a great time not only seeing my family but my friends.  I learned that short visits are the best.  I spent two days with Janelle and the rest of the time with my girlfriend, Lana, which lives just down the street from Michelle.  I was able to visit with the entire group and still pulled of a dinner with each of my children and their family.  Everyone saw my mom on Mother's day.  She was a bit overwhelmed but seemed to enjoy the visit.  She does not like going outside of Acacia Springs much but I did take her to a lunch.  No shopping this time.

I am also learning how to garden!!  I have planted a small veggie and wildflower container garden in our outside shower.  Its a nice small place that should get enough light to grow a few veggies.  We have plants hanging and lined all around the the area.  We were able to find a connection to our shower head so we can easily water the plants.  It is quit fun...............Michelle and Joe inspired me when I visited them and we ate a delicious salad and made drinks from fresh Mint! 

So Im back home now.............Playing lots of tennis and enjoying our great weather.